DENG Yamin

Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Faculty of Higher Institutions


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Date of Employment:2008-07-15
Business Address:中国地质大学(武汉)未来城校区科教四环境学院512


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邓娅敏,中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院教授,博士生导师, NSFC“环境水文地质”创新研究群体成员,自然资源部“劣质地下水成因与水质改良创新团队”成员,国际医学地质学协会(IMGA)中国-爱尔兰医学地质联盟秘书,中国环境科学学会污染源排放与管控专业委员会副主任,“环境水文地质”卓越研究生导学团队负责人,《安全与环境工程》期刊编委,第四十九届国际水文地质大会和第十二届全国环境化学大会秘书长。主要研究方向:地下水污染与防治、水岩相互作用及其环境效应,地下水质与健康。作为项目技术负责完成的地质调查项目成果“流域地球关键带调查与示范”荣获2019年度中国地质调查局地质科技奖二等奖(排名第三)。先后主持国家自然科学基金及其他省部级课题7项,作为技术负责承担NSFC重点国际合作项目、科技部国家国际科技合作专项、中国地质调查局二级项目及委托项目等10项。近10年来以长江中游为野外科研基地,通过环境水文地质调查,构建不同尺度的地表水-地下水监测网络,结合室内实验与模拟等综合研究手段,揭示江汉-洞庭盆地、鄱阳湖流域水环境中污染物的时空分布与迁移转化规律,为长江中游河湖湿地生态保护与生态文明建设提供科学支撑。科研项目作为项目负责人主持的科研项目:1. 国家重点研发计划重点专项“特大城市群工业集聚区大气-土壤-地下水污染综合防控关键技术及示范”课题一“关键元素和特征污染物的跨介质立体动态监测”(No.2023YFC3709801). 2023.12-2027.11. 900 万元2. 国家自然科学基金地质联合基金重点项目“地下水排泄驱动的红树林湿地生源要素循环及其生态效应”(No.U2244225). 2023.01-2026.12. 246万元3. 国家自然科学基金科学部综合科技活动类项目“会议培训类:第四十九届国际水文地质大会”(No.42242012 ). 2022-2022. 15万元4. 国家重点研发计划“变革性技术关键科学问题”重点专项"劣质地下水改良的原位调控理论与技术研究"(No.2021YFA0715900)课题四子课题“水动力调控下有害组分原位强化去除技术研发". 2022-2025. 50万元5. 湖北省重点研发计划项目重点项目“江汉平原四湖流域湿地-地下水系统中氮磷溯源与归趋研究”(No. 2020BCA088). 2021-2022. 200万元6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“浅层地下水系统中锰-铁-砷耦合作用机制及其对砷迁移转化的影响". (No. 41977174), 2020-2023. 61万元7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“高砷含水层中微生物参与下铁的氧化还原循环对砷季节性动态的控制作用” (No. 41572226), 2016-2019. 91万元8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“地表水-地下水相互作用对江汉平原地下水砷释放的影响机制研究” (No.41102153) , 2012 -2014. 25万元9. 湖北省环保科技项目“江汉平原典型地区地下水和土壤砷污染调查与评价研究”, 2012-2013. 40万元10. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项摇篮计划“地下水系统生物地球化学过程及砷的季节性动态响应”(CUGL140412), 2014-2016. 40万元11. 生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室优先资助开放课题 “微生物介导下硫氧化还原循环对含水层中砷迁移转化的控制”(No.128-GBL21711),2017-2019. 10万元作为技术负责或项目骨干参与的科研项目:1. 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体“环境水文地质”(No. 41521001), 2016-2021. 1050万元 (项目骨干)2. 国家自然科学基金委专项项目“地球健康学科发展战略研究”(No. 42042053),2021-2021. 60万元 (项目骨干)3. 中国地质调查局二级项目委托项目“洞庭湖-鄱阳湖(调关幅、白马寺幅、星子县幅、波阳县幅、三叉港幅、漉湖芦苇场幅)1:5万综合地质调查“,2019-2021. 870万元(技术负责)4. 中国地质调查局二级项目委托项目“海口江东新区综合地质调查红树林湿地土壤环境质量分析及评价“,2019-2020. 568 万元(技术负责)5. 中国地质调查局二级项目 "汉江下游旧口-沔阳段地球关键带1:5万环境地质调查", 2016-2018. 1783万元(技术负责)6. 科技部国家国际科技合作专项“地下水复合污染监测技术联合研发”(No.2014DFA20720) , 2014-2017. 290万元 (排名第三)7. 中国地质调查局地质调查工作项目“江汉平原重点地区1:5万水文地质调查", 2014-2015. 1200万元 (技术负责)8. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目“地热流体来源砷的环境生物地球化学研究"(No. 41120124003), 2012-2016. 310万元 (排名第三)9. 中国地质调查局地质工作项目专题“江汉平原典型地区地下水砷污染与农药污染调查与评价研究", 2011-2014. 490万元(技术负责)国际学术交流报告2007 第十二届水岩相互作用国际会议,中国昆明2009 GSA美国地质学会年会,美国波特兰2010 第十三届水岩相互作用国际会议, 墨西哥2014 第十届地球表层地球化学国际会议,法国巴黎2014 Goldschmidt国际地球化学年会,美国Sacramento2016 GRACE-IUCES暑期学校,德国莱茵河畔2017 第一届微生物组国际会议,中国武汉2017 Goldschmidt国际地球化学年会,法国巴黎2018 第七届环境中的砷国际学术会议,中国北京2018 Goldschmidt国际地球化学年会,美国波士顿2019 第八届医学地质学国际会议,中国贵阳2019 第46届国际水文地质学家大会,西班牙马拉加2023 第十七届水岩相互作用国际会议,日本仙台代表性论著(*通讯作者) 1. Xue, J.K., Deng, Y.M.*, Zhang, Y.X., Du, Y., Fu, Q.L., Xu, Y.X., Shi, J.B., Wang, Y.X. 2024. Hidden Role of Organic Matter in the Immobilization and Transformation of Iodine on Fe-OM Associations. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(22): 9840-9849. (Nature Index)2. Du, Y., Xiong, Y.J., Deng, Y.M.*, Tao, Y.Q., Tian, H., Zhang, Y.P., Li, Q.H., Gan, Y.Q., Wang, Y.X.* 2024. Geogenic Phosphorus Enrichment in Groundwater due to Anaerobic Methane Oxidation-Coupled Fe(III) Oxide Reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(18): 8032-8042. (Nature Index)3. Xue, J.K., Deng, Y.M.*, Pi, K.F., Fu, Q.L., Du, Y., Xu, Y.X., Yuan, X.F., Fan, R.Y., Xie, X.J., Shi, J.B., Wang, Y.X. 2024. Enrichment of Geogenic Organoiodine Compounds in Alluvial-Lacustrine Aquifers: Molecular Constraints by Organic Matter. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(13): 5932-5941. (Nature Index)4. Yan, X.Y., Deng, Y.M.*, Du, Y., Yuan, X.F., Xu, Y.X., Xie, X.J., Wang, Y.X. 2024. Unraveling roles of dissolved organic matter in the co-occurrence of arsenic and ammonium in Quaternary alluvial-lacustrine aquifers. Applied Geochemistry, 169, 106058. 5. Yang, Y.J., Deng, Y.M.*, Wang, Y.X. 2024. Multiple isotope approach elucidates the calcium enrichment of groundwater in the central Yangtze River Basin. Applied Geochemistry. 166, 105979.6. Ke, X. Z., Tao, Y.Q., Zhang, X.X., Liu, G.N., Zhang, Y.P., Deng, Y.M., Li, Q.H. 2024. Geogenic and anthropogenic impacts on phosphorus enrichment in groundwater around China’s largest freshwater lake. Journal of Hydrology. 635, 131154.7. Zhang, Y.X., Deng, Y.M.*, Xue, J.K., Cheng, Y.H., Nie, Y.L., Pi, K.F., Du, Y., Xie, X.J., Shi, J.B., Wang, Y.X. 2024. Unravelling the Impacts of Soluble Mn(III)-NOM on Arsenic Immobilization by Ferrihydrite or Goethite under Aquifer Conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 133640.8. Fan, R.Y., Deng, Y.M.*, Du, Y., Xie, X.J. 2024. Predicting geogenic groundwater arsenic contamination risk in floodplains using interpretable machine-learning model. Environmental Pollution, 340, 122787.9. Tian, H., Du, Y.*, Deng, Y.M., Sun, X.L., Xu, J.W., Gan, Y.Q., Wang,Y.X. 2024. Identification of methane cycling pathways in Quaternary alluvial-lacustrine aquifers using multiple isotope and microbial indicators. Water Research, 250, 121027. (Nature Index)10. Yang, Y.J., Wang, Q., Xue, J.K., Tian, S.H., Du,Y., Xie, X.J., Gan, Y.Q., Deng, Y.M.*, Wang, Y.X. 2023. Organic matter degradation and arsenic enrichment in different floodplain aquifer systems along the middle reaches of Yangtze River: A thermodynamic analysis. Water Research, 239, 120072. (Nature Index)11. Yang, Y.J., Deng, Y.M.*, Xu,Y., Yan, J.Q., Du, Y., Xie, X.J., Wang, Y.X. 2023. Manganese mobilization from sediment to groundwater in alluvial-lacustrine aquifer system along the lower reaches of Han River. Journal of Hydrology. 627, 130400.12. Fan, R.Y., Deng, Y.M.*, Xue, J.K., Xu, Y.X., Yuan, X.F., Yan, X.Y., Zhang, C., Du, Y., Xie, X.J. 2023. Contrasting occurrence of arsenic concentrations in Quaternary aquifers inside and outside the oxbow lakes along the middle reaches of the Yangtze river. Applied Geochemistry. 10587.13. Tao, Y.Q., Du, Y., Deng, Y.M. , Liu, P., Ye, Z.H., Zhang, X.X., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X.*. 2023. Coupled Processes Involving Organic Matter and Fe Oxyhydroxides Control Geogenic Phosphorus Enrichment in Groundwater Systems: New Evidence from FT-ICR-MS and XANES. Environmental Science & Technology. 57(45):17427-17438. (Nature Index)14. Xu, Y.X., Deng, Y.M.* , Xue, J.K., Yuan, X.F., Luo,Y.P., Xie, X.J., Wang, Y.X. 2023. Novel Insight into Iodine Enrichment in Alluvial-Lacustrine Aquifers: Evidence from Stable Carbon and Iron Isotopes. Journal of Hydrology, 617,12894015. Zhang, X.X., Ke, X.Z., Du, Y., Tao, Y.Q., Xue, J.K., Li, Q.H., Xie, X.J., Deng, Y.M.* 2023. Coupled effects of sedimentary iron oxides and organic matter on geogenic phosphorus mobilization in alluvial-lacustrine aquifers. Science of the Total Environment, 878,163216.16. Liu, M.H., Du, Y.*, Deng, Y.M., Li, Y.P., Tao, Y.Q., Gan, Y.Q., Ma, T. 2023. Effect of depositional evolution on phosphorus enrichment in aquifer sediments of alluvial-lacustrine plain. Science of the Total Environment. 2023. 900,165857.17. Du, Y., Deng, Y.M., Li, Y.P., Huang, Y.W., Liu, Z.H., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. 2023. Paleo-Geomorphology Determines Spatial Variability of Geogenic Ammonium Concentration in Quaternary Aquifers. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(14): 5726-5738. (Nature Index)18. Wang, Y.X., Yuan. S.H., Shi, J.B., Ma, T., Xie, X.J., Deng, Y.M., Du, Y., Gan, Y.Q., Guo, Z.L., Dong, Y.R., Zheng, C.M., Jiang, G.B. 2023. Groundwater Quality and Health: Making the Invisible Visible. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(13): 5125-5136. (Nature Index)19. Tao, Y.Q., Du, Y., Deng, Y.M., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. 2023. Degradation of phosphorus-containing natural organic matter facilitates enrichment of geogenic phosphorus in Quaternary aquifer systems: A molecular perspective. Journal of Hydrology, 621, 12951320. Yan, L., Xie, X.J., Heiss, J.M., Peng, K., Deng, Y.M., Gan, Y.Q., Li, Q.H., Zhang, Y.P. 2023. Isotopic and spectral signatures unravel the sources, preservation and degradation of sedimentary organic matter in the Dongzhai Harbor mangrove estuary, southern China. Journal of Hydrology, 618,12925621. Peng, K., Heiss, J.M., Xie, X.J., Yan, L., Deng, Y.M., Gan, Y.Q., Li, Q.H., Zhang, Y.P. 2023. Groundwater discharge and saltwater-freshwater mixing in a mangrove wetland over tidal cycles: A field and modeling study. Journal of Hydrology, 620,129472.22. Liu, Z.H., Du,Y., Deng,Y.M., Huang, Y.W., Zhao, X.W., Li, Q.H. 2023. Enrichment of geogenic phosphorus in a coastal groundwater system: New insights from dissolved organic matter characterization. Chemosphere, 322, 13824.23. Xu, Y.X., Deng, Y.M.* , Zheng, T.L., Du, Y., Jiang, H.C., Pi, K.F., Xie, X.J., Gan, Y.Q., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. 2022. New evidence for linking the formation of high arsenic aquifers in the central Yangtze River Basin to climate change since Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 439, 129684.24. Xue, J.K., Deng, Y.M. *, Luo, Y.P., Du, Y., Yang, Y.J., Cheng, Y.H., Xie, X.J., Gan, Y.Q., Wang, Y.X. 2022. Unraveling the impact of iron oxides-organic matter complexes on iodine mobilization in alluvial-lacustrine aquifers from central Yangtze River Basin. Science of the Total Environment, 814, 151930.25. Xiong, Y.J., Du, Y.* , Deng, Y.M., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. Feammox in alluvial-lacustrine aquifer system: nitrogen/iron isotopic and biogeochemical evidences. Water Research, 2022, 222, 118867. (Nature Index)26. Sun, X.L., Du, Y.*, Deng, Y.M., Fan, H.C., Ma, T., Gan, Y.Q. 2022. Contrasting nutrients input along with groundwater discharge to east Dongting Lake, central China: A geological perspective. Ecological Indicators, 145, 109658.27. Sun, X.L., Du, Y.*, Deng, Y.M., Fan, H.C., Zhou, Z.H., Gan, Y.Q., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. Spatial patterns and quantification of lacustrine groundwater discharge determined based on 222Rn. Water Resources Research, 2022, 58, e2022WR031977.28. Zhou, J. Du, Y. *, Deng, Y.M., Tao, Y.Q., Leng, Z.C., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. Source identification of groundwater phosphorus under different geological settings in the central Yangtze River basin. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 612, 128169.29. Li, Y.P., Du, Y. *, Deng, Y.M., Fan, R.Y., Tao, Y.Q., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. Predicting the spatial distribution of phosphorus concentration in Quaternary sedimentary aquifers using simple field parameters. Applied Geochemistry, 2022, 142, 105349.30. Tao, Y., Du, Y.*, Deng, Y.M., Huang, Y.W., Leng, Z.C., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. 2022. Carbon and iron isotope approach elucidates the enrichment of geogenic phosphorus in alluvial-lacustrine sedimentary aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 607, 127517.31. Zhao, Q., Gan, Y.Q.*, Deng, Y.M., Zhou, H.R., Zhao, H.M. 2022. Identifying carbon processing based on molecular differences between groundwater and water-extractable aquifer sediment dissolved organic matter in a Quaternary alluvial-lacustrine aquifer. Applied Geochemistry, 137, 105199.32. Tao, D.Y., Shi, C.Z., Guo, W.*, Deng, Y.M., Peng, Y.E., He, Y.H., Lam, P.K.S., He, Y., Zhang, K. 2022. Determination of As species distribution and variation with time in extracted groundwater samples by on-site species separation method. Science of the Total Environment, 808:151913. 33. Du, Y., Deng, Y.M.*, Liu, Z.H., Huang, Y.W., Zhao, X.W., Li, Q.H., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. 2021. Novel insights into dissolved organic matter processing pathways in a coastal confined aquifer system with the highest known concentration of geogenic ammonium. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(21): 14676-14688. (Nature Index)34. Gao, J., Zheng, T.L., Deng, Y.M.*, Jiang, H.C. 2021. Microbially mediated mobilization of arsenic from aquifer sediments under bacterial sulfate reduction. Science of the Total Environment, 768:144709. 35. Xiong, Y.J., Du, Y.*, Deng, Y.M., Ma, T., Li, D., Xun, X.L., Liu, G.N., Wang, Y.X. 2021. Contrasting sources and fate of nitrogen compounds in different groundwater systems in the Central Yangtze River Basin. Environmental Pollution, 290: 118119.36. Yan, L., Xie, X.J.*, Peng, K., Wang, N.D., Zhang, Y.Y., Deng, Y.M., Gan, Y.Q., Li, Q.H., Zhang, Y.P. 2021. Sources and compositional characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a Hainan tropical mangrove-estuary. Journal of Hydrology, 600: 126572.37. Huang, Y.W., Du, Y.*, Ma, T., Deng, Y.M., Tao, Y.Q., Xu, Y., Leng, Z.C. 2021. Dissolved organic matter characterization in high and low ammonium groundwater of Dongting Plain, central China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208, 111779.38. Sun, X.L., Du, Y.*, Deng, Y.M., Fan, H.C., Tao, Y.Q., Ma, T. 2021. Contribution of groundwater discharge and associated contaminants input to Dongting Lake, Central China, using multiple tracers (222Rn, 18O, Cl−). Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 43(3): 1239-1255. 39. Zhong, X.L., Gan, Y.Q.*, Deng, Y.M. 2021. Distribution, origin and speciation of soil selenium in the black soil region of Northeast China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 43(3): 1257-1271. 40. Cao, H.L., Xie, X.J.*, Wang, Y.X.*, Deng, Y.M. 2021. The interactive natural drivers of global geogenic arsenic contamination of groundwater. Journal of Hydrology, 597, 126214.41. Wang, Y.X.*, Li, J.X., Ma, T., Xie, X.J., Deng, Y.M., Gan, Y.Q. 2021. Genesis of geogenic contaminated groundwater: As, F and I. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 51(24): 2895-2933.42. Yang, Y., Deng, Y.M.*, Xie, X., Gan, Y., Li, J. 2020. Iron isotope evidence for arsenic mobilization in shallow multi-level alluvial aquifers of Jianghan Plain, central China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 206, 111120.43. Du, Y., Deng, Y.M.,Ma, T., Xu, X., Tao, Y.Q., Huang, Y.W., Liu, R., Wang, Y.X. 2020. Enrichment of Geogenic Ammonium in Quaternary Alluvial−Lacustrine Aquifer Systems: Evidence from Carbon Isotopes and DOM Characteristics. Environmental Science & Technology, 54:6104-6114.44. Yang, Y.J., Yuan, X.F., Deng, Y.M.*, Xie, X.J., Gan, Y.Q., Wang, Y.X. 2020. Seasonal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in high arsenic shallow groundwater systems. Journal of Hydrology, 589:125120.45. Tao, Y.Q., Deng, Y.M.*, Du, Y.*, Xu, Y., Leng, Z.C., Ma, T., Wang, Y.X. 2020. Sources and enrichment of phosphorus in groundwater of the Central Yangtze River Basin. Science of the Total Environment, 737:139837.46. Zheng, T.L., Deng, Y.M.*, Wang, Y.X.*, Jiang, H.C., Xie, X.J., Gan, Y.Q. 2020. Microbial sulfate reduction facilitates seasonal variation of arsenic concentration in groundwater of Jianghan Plain, Central China. Science of the Total Environment. 735:139327.47. Du, Y., Deng, Y.M., Ma, T.*, Shen, S., Lu, Z.J., Gan, Y.Q. 2020. Spatial Variability of Nitrate and Ammonium in Pleistocene Aquifer of Central Yangtze River Basin. Groundwater. 58(1): 110-118.48. Wang, Y.X.*, Wang, Q.R., Deng, Y.M., Chen, Z., Cappellen P.V., Yang, Y.J., Goldscheider, N. 2020. Assessment of the impact of geogenic and climatic factors on global risk of urinary stone disease. Science of the Total Environment, 721:137769.49. Xie, X.J.*, Peng, K., Wang, Y.X., Li, J.X., Qian, K., Deng, Y.M., Gan, Y.Q. 2020. In situ arsenic immobilization by chemical oxidation: Field trial and reactive transport modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 583:124645.50. Cao, H.L., He, J.R., Xie, X.J.*, Wang, Y.X., Li, J.X., Qian, K., Deng, Y.M., Gan, Y.Q. 2020. The effect of groundwater velocities on sulfidation of arsenic-bearing ferrihydrite: Insight from column experiments. Journal of Hydrology, 586:124827.51. Yan, L., Xie, X.J.*, Wang, Y.X., Qian, K., Chi, Z.Y., Li, J.X., Deng, Y.M., Gan Y.Q. 2020. Organic-matter composition and microbial communities as key indicators for arsenic mobility in groundwater aquifers: Evidence from PLFA and 3D fluorescence. Journal of Hydrology, 591:12530852. Zheng, T.L., Deng, Y.M.*, Wang, Y.X.*, Jiang, H.C., O’Loughlin, E.J., Flynn, T.M., Gan, Y.Q., Ma, T. 2019. Seasonal microbial variation accounts for arsenic dynamics in shallow alluvial aquifer systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 367: 109-119.53. Wu, G., Yang, J., Jiang, H.C.*, Deng, Y.M., Lear, G. 2019. Distribution of potentially pathogenic bacteria in the groundwater of the Jianghan Plain, central China. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 143:104711. 54. Wang, Y.X.*, Pi, K.F., Fendorf, S., Deng, Y.M., Xie, X.J. 2019. Sedimentogenesis and hydrobiogeochemistry of high arsenic Late Pleistocene-Holocene aquifer systems. Earth-Science Reviews, 189:79-98.55. Duan, Y.H., Michael V.S., Wang, Y.X.*, Gan,Y.Q., Yu, K., Deng, Y.M., Fendorf, S. 2019. Experimental constraints on redox-induced arsenic release and retention from aquifer sediments in the central Yangtze River Basin. Science of the Total Environment, 649: 629-639.56. Shen, S., Ma, T.*, Du, Y., Luo, K.W., Deng, Y.M., Lu, Z.J. 2019. Temporal variations in groundwater nitrogen under intensive groundwater/surface-water interaction. Hydrogeology Journal. 27(5): 1753-1766. 57. Zhang, J.W., Liang, X.*, Jin, M.G., Ma, T., Deng, Y.M., Ma, B. 2019. Identifying the groundwater flow systems in a condensed river-network interfluve between the Han River and Yangtze River (China) using hydrogeochemical indicators. Hydrogeology Journal. 27(7): 2415-2430. 58. Deng, Y.M.*, Zheng, T.L., Wang, Y.X*., et al. 2018. Effect of microbially mediated iron mineral transformation on temporal variation of arsenic in the Pleistocene aquifers of the central Yangtze River basin. Science of the Total Environment. 619-620C:1147-1158. 59. Du, Y., Deng, Y.M.*, Ma, T., et al. 2018. Hydrogeochemical evidences for targeting sources of safe groundwater supply in arsenic-affected multi-level aquifer systems. Science of the Total Environment. 645:1159-1171. 60. Wang, Y.X., Deng, Y.M. 2018. Chapter 30 Environmental Geochemistry of High Arsenic Aquifer Systems in Handbook of Advanced Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Management. edited by Lawrence K. Wang, Mu-Hao S. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung, Nazih K. Shammas, Jiaping Paul Chen. Taylor and Francis & CRC Press. 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Occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in surface water and groundwater from different depths of aquifers: A case study at Jianghan Plain, central China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 135: 236-242. 66. Chen, X.M., Zeng, X.C. *, Wang, J.N., Deng, Y.M. et al. 2017. Microbial communities involved in arsenic mobilization and release from the deep sediments into groundwater in Jianghan plain, Central China. Science of the Total Environment. 579:989-999.67. Lu, X.L., Wang, N., Wang, H.M.*, Deng, Y.M., Ma, T., et al. 2017. Molecular Characterization of the Total Bacteria and Dissimilatory Arsenate-Reducing Bacteria in Core Sediments of the Jianghan Plain, Central China. Geomicrobiology Journal. 34 (5): 467-479.68. Duan, Y.H., Gan, Y.Q., Wang, Y.X.*, Liu, C.X., Yu, K., Deng, Y.M., et al. 2017. Arsenic Speciation in Aquifer Sediment Under Varying Groundwater Regime and Redox Conditions at Jianghan Plain of Central China. Science of the Total Environment, 607-608: 992-1000.69. 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[1] 2003.9  to  2008.6
中国地质大学(武汉) | 环境工程 | Doctoral Degree in Education | Doctoral Degree in Engineering
[2] 1999.9  to  2003.6
中国地质大学(武汉) | 环境工程 | 大学本科毕业 | Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

[1] 2018.12  to  Now
 环境学院 | 中国地质大学(武汉) 
[2] 2011.3  to  2018.11
 地质调查研究院 | 中国地质大学(武汉) 
[3] 2009.8  to  2010.8
 US Geological Survey,Boulder,Colorado | 美国地质调查局 
[4] 2008.7  to  2011.2
 地球科学学院 | 中国地质大学(武汉) 

[1] ?水岩相互作用及其环境效应
?水文地球化学: 地下水水质与供水安全

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Research Group

Name of Research Group:自然资源部“劣质地下水成因与水质改良创新团队”

Description of Research Group:由王焰新教授负责的团队以地下水水质为核心研究对象,通过理论、方法和技术创新,长期致力于地下水污染成因和水污染控制技术研究。针对我国典型盆地广泛存在的高砷、高氟、高碘、高铁锰、高硬度与高矿化度地下水,及岩溶煤系地层分布区的老窖水等,以水文地质调查与地下水环境监测为基础,重点开展地下水系统中有害物质迁移转化和地下水环境修复新方法研究,查明劣质水成因机制,研发水质改良技术,为供水水质安全与地下水环境保护提供科学依据。

Name of Research Group:NSFC“环境水文地质”创新研究群体

Description of Research Group:本创新群体以国家杰出青年科学基金获得者王焰新教授为学术带头人,包括长江学者、国家千人计划入选者等学术骨干在内共21位成员,围绕学科领域前沿和国家重大需求、经多学科交叉和长期合作自然凝聚形成。群体以精细刻画和认识地下水系统中有害物质迁移转化规律为核心命题,以地下水污染防治为应用导向,发展环境水文地质理论方法和地下水污染监测、示踪、模拟与修复技术,以实现跨学科的交叉融合和学术思想的推陈出新。其研究成果不仅为推动水文地质学科的发展做出了贡献,而且为水环境保护提供了科学依据。群体拟基于已有工作基础,依托长期研究基地(大同及江汉)野外工作和系统的实验室研究,重点开展地下水系统中有害物质迁移转化机理和地下水环境修复新方法研究,力争在破解核心命题上取得理论和方法的新突破,进而强化群体的学术优势与特色。通过创新研究群体项目的实施,建成一个有重要国际学术影响、学风严谨、团结协作、锐意进取的优秀创新研究群体。