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  •   教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师




















【9】刘聪靓  【8】Ayaz Attiqulla   【7】师爽(在读) 【6】陈超(2024届)【5】曹克楠(2024届)【4】肖倩(2024届) 【3】焦良轩(2022届) 【2】马基德(Majed Algabri)(2021届)【1】欧阳光(2021届) 


【24】顾铱(在读) 【23】陈俊(在读) 【22】周鼎(在读) 【21】李天洋(在读)  【20】张洪戬(在读) 【19】西瑞(Ciria Denise Paulo de Almeida) 【18】王心怡(2024届) 【17】夏志诚(2023届)【16】冉宗媛(2022届)【15】胡涛(2022届)【14】肖倩(2023届)【13】于永顺(2020届)【12】钟温(2019届)【11】李月洁(2019届)【10】余亚林(2018届)【9】与斯特斯(Justus T. Haukongo)(2017届)【8】詹崇孟(2017届)【7】刘舒展(2017届)【6】杨亮改(2016届)【5】张彦涛(2016届)【4】刘伟(2014届)【3】蒋红安(2014届) 【2】杨凡燕(2013届)【1】徐文景(2013届)


【60】郝力师(在读)【59】张宇轩(在读)【58】范俊昌(在读)【57】邵文波(在读)【56】李源丹(在读)【55】黄骏宇(在读)【54】周羽杰(在读)【53】赵超然(在读)【52】李诗伟(在读)【51】罗清洵(在读) 【50】顾铱(2023届)【49】陈俊(2023届)【48】谭梦雅(2023届)【47】康国秀(2023届)【46】杨思航(2023届) 【45】刘聪靓(2023届)【44】韩佳旭(2022届) 【43】杜桐萱(2022届)【42】方鲁加(2021届) 【41】王心怡(2021届) 【40】余康俊(2021届) 【39】胡中天(2020届) 【38】杨丽莎(2020届) 【37】张麟(2019届) 【36】陈彬(2019届) 【35】曹克楠(2018届)【34】戴意蕴(2018届) 【33】武洋(2018届) 【32】刘哲(2018届) 【31】董新远(2018届) 【30】彭骏(2018届) 【29】谭楚嫣(2017届) 【28】李理想(2017届)【27】邹绍铭(2017届) 【26】杨婧玉(2016届) 【25】张纯(2016届)【24】王祥发(2016届)【23】谭远斌(2016届) 【22】黄维(2015届) 【21】林炘(2015届) 【20】刘星星(2015届) 【19】李凯月(2014届)【18】杨明建(2014届) 【17】刘舒展 (2014届)【16】刘雨琦(2014届) 【15】张彦涛(2013届)【14】旦增卓玛(2013届) 【13】宋菁菁(2013届) 【12】侯智洋(2013届) 【11】高鉴(2011届) 【10】李艳青(2011届) 【9】叶龙飞(2011届) 【8】胡苗(2009届) 【7】龚蕾(2010届) 【6】林香(2009届) 【5】范旭东(2009届) 【4】凌跃新(2009届) 【3】夏明毅(2009届) 【2】张晓星(2009届)【1】蔡晓亮(2008届)














2014.01.01-2014.12.31,元古宙末期的磷循环研究:以华南陡山沱组为例, 生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室自主研究课题,主持
































2024年,指导本科生顾铱获得中国地质大学(武汉)优秀学士学位论文(论文题目:Lithologic diversity of the lunar crust recorded in meteorite NWA4485)


2020年,指导博士生留学生Majed Algabri(马基德)获得中国地质大学(武汉)优秀国际学生


2019年,指导研究生李月洁获得中国地质大学(武汉)优秀硕士学位论文(论文题目:鄂西秭归埃迪卡拉纪MISS 与化石埋藏机制研究)







主要学术论文 (* 通讯作者,#为共同第一作者


l  Cao, K., She, Z.*, Papineau, D., Nan, J., Chen, C., Deevsalar, R., Tunc, A., Xiao, Q., Huang, K. & Pan, Y. (2024). Preservation of biosignatures in Neoproterozoic phosphorites metamorphosed at temperatures> 450° CChemical Geology, 122519.

l  Cao, K., She, Z.*, Chen, Q., Jiao, L., Xiao, Q., Cheng, M., Zhang, Z., Luo, G. & Papineau, D. (2024). Dolostone-barite-phosphorite sequence in the basal Doushantuo Formation: Origin and implications for post-Marinoan ocean chemistry and phosphogenesis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 651, 112400.

l  Chen, C., She, Z.*, Ma, C.*, Yuan, J., Kong, L., Wang, D., Zhu, J., Fan, C., Guo, P., Deng, H. & Mason, R. (2024). Widespread ca. 800 Ma granitoids in the southern Dabie Orogen: Petrogenesis and implications for Neoproterozoic accretion-type orogeny in the northern Yangtze BlockPrecambrian Research, 414, 107610.

l  Xiao, Q., Xia, Z., She, Z.*, Papineau, D., Luo, G., Chang, B., Liu, D., Mason, R., Li, M. & Li, C. (2024). Ubiquitous occurrence of organogenic dolomite in a late Ediacaran limestone-dominated succession from the Eastern Yangtze Gorges area of South ChinaPrecambrian Research, 400, 107269.

l  Guo, Z.*, Papineau, D., O’Neil, J., Rizo, H., Chen, Z. Q., Qiu, X., & She, Z. (2024). Abiotic synthesis of graphitic carbons in the Eoarchean Saglek-Hebron metasedimentary rocksNature Communications, 15(1), 5679.

l  Cañadas, F.*, Papineau, D., & She, Z. (2024). Biotic and abiotic processes in Ediacaran spheroid formation. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, 1405220.

l  Cheng, M.*, Wei, W., Chen, X., Wang, H., Feng, L., She, Z., Fu, Y., Algeo, T.J., Huang, F. & Li, C. (2024). Active methane release from the early Cambrian seafloor? Clues from Ba isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 653, 112399.

l  Zhu, Y., Wang, L., Pan, Y., Ma, C., & She, Z. (2024). Remobilization and enrichment of Nb during magmatic and hydrothermal processes: insights from titanite in Nb-rich dyke swarms of South Qinling, China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179(5), 48.

l  Zhu, Y., Wang, L., Pan, Y., Zhang, C., Almeev, R. R., She, Z., & Holtz, F. (2024). Pyrochlore composition and Sm-Nd isotope signature as indicators of magmatic-hydrothermal processes: The case of Ririwai complex, north-Central Nigeria. Chemical Geology, 652, 122021.

l  He, Q., Hu, W., Xiao, L., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Qian, Y., Shu, J., Zhao, J., Chang, Y., Li, C., Xiao, Z., Zhang, X., Li, Y., Papineau, D., Zhao, S., Huang, J., Zhao, J., Wang, J., Wu, X., Hu, Z., Zong, K., She, Z. and Li, Y., 2024. Tadpole-Shaped Nanoparticles in Impact Melt and Implication of High Temperature Chemical Garden in Lunar Soil. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129(12): e2024JE008584.

l  Li, Y., Wang, Z., Qian, Y., Zhang, W., Feng, Y., Liu, H., Zong, K., He, Q., She, Z., Wu, X., Li, M., Hu, Z., Xiao, L., Li, Y. and Moynier, F., 2025. Iron isotopes of Chang'e-5 soil and mineral components: Implications for post-eruption processes on lunar surface. Icarus, 426: 116362.

l  Wang, Z., Li, Y., Zhang, W., He, Q., Pan, F., Hu, Z., Zong, K., Feng, Y., Becker, H., Day, J.M.D., Song, W., Hui, H., Moynier, F., Jiang, Y., Zhang, X., She, Z., Wu, X., Xiao, L. and Wang, L., 2024. Sulfide compositions of young Chang’e-5 basalts and implications for sulfur isotopes in lunar basalt sources. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 368: 168-184.

l  Wang, Z., Zong, K., Li, Y., Li, J., He, Q., Zou, Z., Becker, H., Moynier, F., Day, J.M.D., Zhang, W., Qian, Y., Xiao, L., Hu, Z., She, Z., Hui, H., Wu, X. and Liu, Y., 2024. Young KREEP-like mare volcanism from Oceanus Procellarum. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 373: 17-34.

l  罗清洵, 张典, 林启航, 余孝乐, 马昌前*, 佘振兵*. 古罗马混凝土高耐久性和高防腐性的岩石学背景. 地球科学进展, 2024, 39 (09): 968-986.



l  Jiao, L., She, Z.*, Papineau, D., Zhang, C., Algeo, T J., Dodd, M S., Luo, G M., Cao, K N., Li, C. Evidence for high-frequency oxygenation of Ediacaran shelf seafloor during early evolution of complex life. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 429 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-01080-1

l  Ouyang, G., She, Z.*, Xiao, Q., Qian, K., Kenan, Z., Hu, T., Luo, G., Papineau, D., Li, C., 2023. Re-appearance of precipitated aragonite crystal fans as evidence for expansion of oceanic dissolved inorganic carbon reservoir in the aftermath of the lomagundi-jatuli event. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 135(9-10), 2601-2620. 

l  Qian, Y.#, She, Z.#, He, Q.#, Xiao, L.*, Wang, Z.*, Head, J.W., Sun, L., Wang, Y., Wu, B., Wu, X., Luo, B., Cao, K., Li, Y., Dong, M., Song, W., Pan, F., Michalski, J., Ye, B., Zhao, J., Zhao, S., Huang, J., Zhao, J., Wang, J., Zong, K. and Hu, Z., 2023. Mineralogy and chronology of the young mare volcanism in the Procellarum-KREEP-TerraneNature Astronomy, 7(3): 287-297.

l  李东东, 罗根明*, 杨浩, 佘振兵, 庞科, 2023. 中元古代中期神农架群台子组微体化石组合和热演化阶段. 古生物学报.

l  Fan, Q., Liu, D.*, Papineau, D., Qiu, X., Wang, H., She, Z., Zhao, L., 2023. Precipitation of high mg-calcite and protodolomite using dead biomass of aerobic halophilic bacteriaJournal of Earth Science 34, 456-466.

l  Li, D., Luo, G.*, Tang, Q., She, Z., Xiao, S., 2023. New record of the green algal fossil proterocladus and coexisting microfossils from the Meso-Neoproterozoic Diaoyutai Formation in southern Liaoning, North China. Precambrian Research 393, 107104.

l  Lin, J., Wang, Y., Pan, Y., Wang, S., Zhao, X., Qu, S., She, Z., Cao, K., Yuan, Z.*, Ma, X., Deevsalar, R., Jia, Y.*, 2023. Arsenic effects and behavior during the transformation of struvite to newberyite: Implications for applications of green fertilizers. Chemical Engineering Journal, 458: 141396.

l  Luo, B.*, Wang, Z.*, Song, J., Qian, Y., He, Q., Li, Y., Head, J.W., Moynier, F., Xiao, L., Becker, H., Huang, B., Ruan, B., Hu, Y., Pan, F., Xu, C., Liu, W., Zong, K., Zhao, J., Zhang, W., Hu, Z., She, Z., Wu, X. and Zhang, H., 2023. The magmatic architecture and evolution of the Chang’e-5 lunar basalts. Nature Geoscience, 16(4): 301-308.

l  Nan, J.*, Peng, Z., Wang, C., Papineau, D., She, Z., Guo, Z., Peng, X., Zhou, J., Hu, Y., Yao, W., Zhang, R., Wang, C., Tao, R.*, 2023. Molecular mechanism of metamorphic alteration on traces of early life in banded iron formations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 615, 118226.

l  Shi, M., Zhu, J., Hu, T., Xu, A., Mao, Y., Liu, L., Zhang, Y., She, Z., Li, P., Qi, S., Xing, X.* 2023. Occurrence, distribution and risk assessment of microplastics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in East Lake, Hubei, China. Chemosphere 316, 137864.



l  顾铱, 孙继尧, 肖倩, 李毅恒, 王心怡, 曹克楠, 刘亦婷, 何琦, 杨浩, 陈倩, 杨金昆, 宋文磊, 宗克清, 张文, 巫翔, 胡兆初, 肖龙, 佘振兵*, 汪在聪*, 2022. 嫦娥五号返回月壤微观形貌特征及其对太空风化的指示意义地球科学, 47(11): 4145-4160. (封面论文)

l  Cao, K., Dong, M., She, Z.*, Xiao, Q., Wang, X., Qian, Y., Li, Y., Wang, Z., He, Q., Wu, X., Zong, K., Hu, Z., Xiao, L. 2022. A novel method for simultaneous analysis of particle size and mineralogy for Chang’E-5 lunar soil with minimum sample consumption. Science China Earth Sciences 65 (9), 1704-1714 (With cover photograph for the issue) / 曹克楠,董明潭,佘振兵,肖倩,王心怡,钱煜奇,李毅恒,汪在聪,何琦,巫翔,宗克清,胡兆初,肖龙.一种以极低的样品消耗同时测定嫦娥五号月壤粒度和矿物组成的新方法[J].中国科学: 地球科学:52(9): 1726–1736 (封面论文).

l  Papineau, D.*, She, Z., Dodd, M. S., Iacoviello, F., Slack, J. F., Hauri, E., Shearing, P., Little, C. T., 2022. Metabolically diverse primordial microbial communities in Earth’s oldest seafloor-hydrothermal jasperScience Advances 8, m2296.

l  李乐广,王连训*,朱煜翔,马昌前,佘振兵,曹亮,冷双梁,闫育荞.2022.华南幕阜山北缘含稀有金属伟晶岩成矿时代及成矿过程[J].地球科学:1-31

l  冉宗媛,肖倩,佘振兵,王国庆*.2022.北京周口店雾迷山组碳酸盐岩风暴沉积序列研究[J].古地理学报,24(04):634-648.

l  Mason R., She Z., 2022. Will there be Unexpected Geological Discoveries? Journal of Earth Science 33: 1337.

l  Dong, M., She, Z., Xiong, X., Ouyang, G., Luo, Z.*, 2022. Automated analysis of microplastics based on vibrational spectroscopy: are we measuring the same metrics? Anal Bioanal Chem 414, 3359-3372. (With cover photograph for the issue)

l  Zong, K., Wang, Z.*, Li, J., He, Q., Li, Y., Becker, H., Zhang, W., Hu, Z., He, T., Cao, K., She, Z., Wu, X., Xiao, L., Liu, Y., 2022. Bulk compositions of the Chang’E-5 lunar soil: Insights into chemical homogeneity, exotic addition, and origin of landing site basalts. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 335: 284-296.

l  Zhu, Y., Wang, L.*, Ma, C., Wiedenbeck, M., She, Z., 2022. Titanite as a tracer for Nb mineralization during magmatic and hydrothermal processes: The case of Fangcheng alkaline complex, Central China. Chem Geol, 121028.

l  Zhang, L., Chang, S., Chen, C., Wang, X., Feng, Q.*, Steiner, M., Yang, B., Mason, R., She, Z., Yan, J., 2022. Cloudina aggregates from the uppermost Dengying Formation, Three Gorges area, South China, and stratigraphical implications. Precambrian Res 370, 106552.

l  Li, D., Luo, G.*, Yang, H., She, Z., Papineau, D., Li, C., 2022. Characteristics of the carbon cycle in late Mesoproterozoic: Evidence from carbon isotope composition of paired carbonate and organic matter of the Shennongjia Group in South China. Precambrian Res 377, 106726.

l  He, Q.*, Li, Y., Baziotis, I., Qian, Y., Xiao, L.*, Wang, Z., Zhang, W., Luo, B., Neal, C. R., Day, J. M., Pan, F., She, Z., Wu, X., Hu, Z., Zong, K., Wang, L., 2022. Detailed petrogenesis of the unsampled Oceanus Procellarum: The case of the Chang'e-5 mare basalts. Icarus, 115082.

l  Cheng, M., Wang, H., Li, C.*, Luo, G., Huang, J., She, Z., Lei, L., Ouyang, G., Zhang, Z., Dodd, M. S., 2022. Barite in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation and its implications for marine carbon cycling during the largest negative carbon isotope excursion in Earth’s history. Precambrian Res 368, 106485.

l  Chang, B., Li, C.*, Algeo, T., Lyons, T., Shi, W., Cheng, M., Luo, G., She, Z., Xie, S., Tong, J., 2022. A 60-Ma-long, high-resolution record of Ediacaran paleotemperature. Sci Bull. 67 (9), 910-913.



l  Gabriel, N. W., Papineau, D., She, Z., Leider, A., Fogel, M. L., 2021. Organic diagenesis in stromatolitic dolomite and chert from the late Palaeoproterozoic McLeary FormationPrecambrian Research 354, 106052.

l  Zheng, W., Liu, D., Yang, S., Fan, Q., Papineau, D., Wang, H., Qiu, X., Chang, B., She, Z., 2021. Transformation of protodolomite to dolomite proceeds under dry-heating conditions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 576, 117249.

l  Wang, K., Wang, L., Ma, C., Zhu, Y., She, Z., Deng, X., Chen, Q., 2021. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Zhuxi Nb-rich trachytic rocks, South Qinling (China): Insights into the niobium mineralization during magmatic-hydrothermal processes. Ore Geology Reviews 138, 104346.

l  Papineau, D., Yin, J., Devine, K. G., Liu, D., She, Z., 2021. Chemically oscillating reactions during the diagenetic formation of Ediacaran siliceous and carbonate botryoids. Minerals 11, 1060.

l  于永顺, 焦良轩, 欧阳光, 胡进武, 刘冲平, 张熊, 宛良朋,李果,佘振兵*,王团乐. 2021.云南乌东德水电站施期料场中元古代热液白云岩研究.地质科技通报,40(1), 36-48.

l  欧阳光, 于永顺, 胡进武, 张熊, 焦良轩,李果,宛良朋,佘振兵,王团乐. 2021. 碳酸盐岩骨料中碳质物成因及定量检测方法研究. 人民长江,52(10), 201-207. 



l  Xiao, Q., She, Z*., Wang, G.*, Li, Y., Ouyang, G., Cao, K., Mason, R., Du, Y., 2020. Terminal Ediacaran carbonate tempestites in the eastern Yangtze Gorges area, South ChinaPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 547, 109681.

l  Ouyang, G., She, Z.*, Papineau, D.*, Wang, X., Luo, G., Li, C., 2020. Dynamic carbon and sulfur cycling in the aftermath of the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event: Evidence from the Paleoproterozoic Hutuo Supergroup, North China CratonPrecambrian Research 337, 105549.

l  Dong, M., Zhang, Q., Xing, X., Chen, W., She, Z.*, Luo, Z.*, 2020. Raman spectra and surface changes of microplastics weathered under natural environmentsScience of The Total Environment 739, 139990.

l  Chang, B., Li, C., Liu, D., Foster, I., Tripati, A., Lloyd, M. K., Maradiaga, I., Luo, G., An, Z., She, Z., 2020. Massive formation of early diagenetic dolomite in the Ediacaran ocean: Constraints on the “dolomite problem”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 14005-14014.

l  Algabri, M., She, Z.*, Jiao, L., Papineau, D., Wang, G., Zhang, C., Tang, D., Ouyang, G., Zhang, Y., Chen, G., 2020. Apatite-glaucony association in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China and implications for marine redox conditionsPrecambrian Research 347, 105842.



l  Dodd, M. S., Papineau, D., She, Z., Manikyamba, C., Wan, Y., O'Neil, J., Karhu, J. A., Rizo, H., Pirajno, F., 2019. Widespread occurrences of variably crystalline 13C-depleted graphitic carbon in banded iron formations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 512, 163-174.

l  Liu, D., Yu, N., Papineau, D., Fan, Q., Wang, H., Qiu, X., She, Z., Luo, G., 2019. The catalytic role of planktonic aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in protodolomite formation: results from Lake Jibuhulangtu Nuur, Inner Mongolia, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 263, 31-49.

l  Li, M., Song, H., Wignall, P. B., She, Z., Dai, X., Song, H., Xiao, Q., 2019. Early Triassic oceanic red beds coupled with deep sea oxidation in South Tethys. Sedimentary Geology 391, 105519.



l  Dodd, M. S., Papineau, D., She, Z., Fogel, M. L., Nederbragt, S., Pirajno, F., 2018. Organic remains in late Palaeoproterozoic granular iron formations and implications for the origin of granules. Precambrian Research 310, 133-152.

l  李凯月,陈衍景,佘振兵,汤好书,陈威宇. 胶北荆山群张舍石墨矿碳同位素特征及其地质意义[J]. 地学前缘, 2018, 25(05):25-39. 



l  Song, H., Jiang, G., Poulton, S. W., Wignall, P. B., Tong, J., Song, H., An, Z., Chu, D., Tian, L., She, Z., 2017. The onset of widespread marine red beds and the evolution of ferruginous oceans. Nature Communications 8, 1-7.

l  Papineau, D., She, Z., Dodd, M. S., 2017. Chemically-oscillating reactions during the diagenetic oxidation of organic matter and in the formation of granules in late Palaeoproterozoic chert from Lake SuperiorChemical Geology 470, 33-54.

l  Mason, R., Li, Y., Cao, K., Long, Y., She, Z.*, 2017. Ediacaran macrofossils in Shunyang Valley, Sixi, Three Gorges District, Hubei Province, ChinaJournal of Earth Science 28, 614-621.

l  李凯月,佘振兵*.华南陡山沱组磷块岩中微米级自形钠长石的发现及其可能成因.地学前缘, 2017, 24(1):308-320. 



l  She, Z.*, Zhang, Y., Liu, W., Song, J., Zhang, Y., Li, C., Strother, P., Papineau, D., 2016. New observations of ambient inclusion trails (AITs) and pyrite framboids in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South ChinaPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 374-388.

l  She, Z.*, Yang, F., Liu, W., Xie, L., Wan, Y., Li, C., Papineau, D., 2016. The termination and aftermath of the Lomagundi-Jatuli carbon isotope excursions in the Paleoproterozoic Hutuo Group, North ChinaJournal of Earth Science 27, 297-316. 



l  Kanouo, N. S., Yongue, R. F., Ekomane, E., Njonfang, E., Ma, C., Lentz, D. R., She, Z., Zaw, K., Venkatesh, A. S., 2015. U–Pb Ages for Zircon Grains from N sanaragati Alluvial Gem Placers: Its Correlation to the Source Rocks. Resource Geology 65, 103-121. 



l  She, Z.*, Strother, P., Papineau, D., 2014. Terminal Proterozoic cyanobacterial blooms and phosphogenesis documented by the Doushantuo granular phosphorites II: Microbial diversity and C isotopesPrecambrian Research 251, 62-79.



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